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The Stages of a Boxer Dog Pregnancy : Week by Week Guide vlog – Week 1

The Stages of a Boxer Dog Pregnancy : Week by Week Guide vlog – Week 1 is going to show you things you need to keep in mind to keep your dog healthy through the breeding, pregnancy, after pregnancy, and more information that will helps you manage every step easily and accurately.
Let’s take a look at dog pregnancy stages

Week 1

  • Get your dog proper prenatal care.
  • Know the facts before breeding.
  • Provide enough exercise.
  • Minimize stressors in their immediate environment.
  • Have your pet checked up by your vet at least 4 times during the whole pregnancy period.
  • Provide them with a healthy and nutritious diet.
  • Female dogs usually give birth to 62 days after pregnancy, with some variations within 56 to 70 days, depending on the exact time of fertilization.

At this stages we won’t need to make any changes, provide enough exercise is going to be the key of a healthy pregnant dog, walk every day with your dog (62 days approximately).
Ask your vet about what is the best healthy nutritious diet for your pet and have water in every single space for your dog if possible.

If you will love to have more details on this topic, don’t forget to click on the next links and watch this playlists with all this amazing journey of the pregnancy on a boxer dog.
We have videos with the day by day and week by week, you are going to love it!
Day by day:
Week by week:

We are so happy to share our journey and help you to know more about Boxer dogs, we love this breed so much that we created the only Boxer dog channel on youTube, The Boxer Dog Channel with Boxer’s Del Grego and this channel is about the day in the life of a Boxer Dog. Our Boxers will show you the day by day of being a Boxer Dog. We have a Vlog about Dog Pregnancy week by week and the funny side of the life of Boxer Puppies. Boxers are the best dogs ever, perfect for kids and family. Woof woof dear furry friends, join us to see the funny side of living with the Boxer breed.

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Thank you furry friends!

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